Graphic Designing for EZ Home Delivery

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EZ Home Delivery


Logo and Posts Design


2 Week

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Project overview :

At TeraBit Solutions, we’re not just about technology; we’re also creatives at heart! We’re thrilled to showcase our graphic design collaboration with EZ Home Delivery, a project that spanned from logo creation to vibrant social media posts.

What we did for this project :

Our design journey with EZ Home Delivery began with the challenge of creating a logo that not only resonates with their brand identity but also makes a lasting impression. Our team developed a series of concepts, refining them to embody EZ Home Delivery’s commitment to convenience and quality.

Project results :

The new visual identity has enhanced EZ Home Delivery’s brand visibility and cohesion across all channels, contributing to a stronger brand recognition and customer engagement.

For inquiries about our graphic design services, please contact us. Let’s create something amazing together!

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